Banks, Vendors - And Customers! - want your number. Give them your ShieldNumber to keep your mobile secure.
Many Services Require a Phone Number - take a message!
Getting a domain? You will need to provide a valid phone number for the profile - and that means spam calls. It's really hard to get off those lists. Use a ShieldNumber to collect those calls and respond to the ones that matter.
Everyone wants your number as part of their customer setup. Giving a real means of contact is important - but that doesn't mean they get to interrupt you! A ShieldNumber guarantees access without interruption.
Many businesses require that their vendors provide a phone number for contact. Give them your ShieldNumber! Standard business setup for ShieldNumber will make sure you get your messages at the end of every business day - or set it up for immediate delivery!
An automatic voice attendant that lets vendors and prospects leave a message to know you can be reached this way. Give your cell to high-priority customers.
Listen for the many text messages that might come in, without reply. Useful for many online services.
Get an email with a digest of all your messages on demand or at the end of the day or week. You can also check your messages online whenever you want!